May 11, 2011

Room Redo

I'm always finding images of rooms I want to recreate for future clients but....unfortunately my day job makes it near impossible to have any client's of my own (sigh).  Regardless of my situation I still feel the need to develop possible room scenarios from current products on the market.  Here is my first attempt at a room redo based off of a living space designed by the infamous Nate Berkus.  Imitation is the best form of flattery right?

3. Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

BLOG DESIGN NOTE: completely unrelated to this post BUT something that's been driving me crazy! I am aware that my blog has a few kinks in it design-wise. The size of images, etc... I have found a graphic design Co. to re-design the whole darn thing and I am too excited for words! It will be cleaner, brighter, and more my style. Be on the lookout for big changes in the future......


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