Jul 12, 2014

Baby + Design Update

I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Everyone tells you it is going to happen but for some reason I am still shocked as the days go by.  My baby boy is officially 9 months old!  That means that in 3 short months I will have a one year old on my hands. What?! How did this happen??
As much as I want him to stay little forever, I love seeing him turn into a little man with a full blown personality.  Each day brings something new and exciting...

 He has mastered crawling and follows me around allllll day long.

He HATES car rides...unless he's the one driving.

He loves dining al fresco.

and just eating in general.

But most importantly.....he really loves himself.


You know what else he loves? A mom who is motivated to get back out there! In the design world that is. 
At least I hope so.  
I really miss working and there's only so much I can do with my own space.  Ever since I've moved back home people have been asking me if I would help them with design.  I kept turning them down because of PJ but the reality is that he now takes a bottle, he is almost a year, and it's time I do something for myself.

so....let me introduce you to:

It's still in the beginning stages as I try and build a name for myself but I am excited for what the future holds.  As with anything in life it's hard to put yourself out there.  I've always worked under someone else and designed with their vision in mind.  This is the first time I will be able to take full credit for a space and create something I am truly proud of. 

Need design help? Check out my website (still a work in progress) and don't hesitate to contact me!

I am also excited to get back to more design blog posts! I can't promise I won't talk about my baby (he is my life after all) but I can promise to check in more and share my design inspirations and ideas.

Here we go!

Apr 10, 2014

Half a Year!

I always thought that once PJ was six months it would feel like a HUGE milestone.  I have to say...I think I was right.  Today means that we have raised this amazing baby for six solid months and he's still smiling!  Actually, he is the most smiley dude you will ever meet.

I take him for a walk almost every day (otherwise he goes completely stir crazy in our tiny condo!). Every single time we are out and about strangers will flash a smile his way and he will undoubtedly give them one of these...

Then they immediately say "he is such a happy baby!!"  
Such a nice change from the comments we used to get about him being colicky.

He really has grown up SO much in the past month and he truly does seem happy! Of course he has his moments.  He's a baby after all.  But I couldn't be more pleased with the way he is progressing and seemingly enjoying life.

He's also turned into a little bit of a model over the past couple weeks...
I have no idea where he got his stunning blue eyes and insane good looks but I often find myself just staring at him in awe.
I just hope he doesn't get a big head with everyone telling him how beautiful he is on a daily basis.

We have recently started him on solids and he is pretty obsessed with sweet potatoes.

He took a bottle a few times and we got SUPER excited.  
He since has fallen back into his old ways and is still apprehensive when it comes near his mouth (frustrating).

He had his first pool experience! The weather here in SoCal has been ridiculous and we couldn't pass up an opportunity to get him in the water.  He was a little unsure at first but I think he liked it. 
I can't wait to get him in the water regularly this summer.  I was never a water baby myself so I hope he takes to it more than I did.

Let's not forget about the gorgeous beach days! He loved watching the waves go in and out. Such a calming experience for both mom and baby!
I've always appreciated the outdoors but I've never considered myself an outdoorsy type of person.  But having a baby and needing to get outside everyday has been such a blessing in disguise! 
I am constantly forced to take in the beautiful scenery that Santa Barbara has to offer.  
I pinch myself everyday knowing that I get to live in such a gorgeous town!  I can't wait for PJ to learn just how lucky he is too.

Happy Six months my little dude. 
Here's to another half a year!! (and beyond)

Mar 10, 2014

5 Month Mom

Wow. Where to begin??
I really wish I could be more consistent with my postings but this babe is super demanding!  If I'm not singing to him, kissing his toes, or taking his picture he gets upset.  It's a very difficult job but someone has to do it.

He is officially 5 months old today! I can't believe it's already been so long. As cliche as it sounds....they grow up SO fast.  It seems like everyday something new happens.  One day he can barely keep his head up and then next he is trying to sit up on his own.  Before I know it he will be walking and talking.  

My current struggle is trying to figure out what my purpose is from day to day.  I know that being a mom is one of the most important jobs out there and I'm quickly realizing it is one of the most exauhsting and rewarding.  But at the same time I feel like I'm not pulling my weight because I don't have a "Job."  There are days when I miss my 9 to 5 life and there are (most) days when I can't imagine being away from my baby.  I miss my consistent paycheck and interaction with other adults (sans spit up and pajamas).  I miss the design process and everyday hunt for the perfect piece to complete a space.  I might even miss my mini commute into work listening to the radio and navigating LA traffic.  With all that being said, I know if I went back to work right now the list of things I would miss about my days with baby would bring me to tears.  

I'm also in a unique situation where the little guy absolutely, positively refuses to take a bottle!! We have tried every trick in the book and he screams bloody murder when you bring that horrible thing anywhere near his mouth.  You would think we were trying to poison him.  I'm always trying to tell him "It's the same stuff buddy!!" But he likes his food straight from the source.  Why is this a problem you ask? Well it's been 5 months and I haven't been away from the baby more than 2 hrs.  I love him to death but Mama needs break!  It's torture because we have all of our family in town, which means babysitters at our beck and call.  People are always offering to watch him while we go out but if he won't take a bottle from anyone then it means he screams his head off and they leave feeling defeated while I stress and try and relax at the same time.  No one wins.  Lesson learned.  Offer a bottle early, and consistently.  Ugh.

With all this talk about the baby, I have to take a moment and give thanks to my amazing husband.  I have been super spoiled by the fact that he has early days and is around a lot to help out.  He takes the morning shifts, allowing me to get one last stretch of sleep in.  He is constantly whipping up dinner when all I can manage to do is order in.  And lets not forget about dealing with his emotional, sleep deprived wife!  When I fall apart he is always there to pick me up and take over.  Thanks babe. Love you.
**He is gone this week for work and I am hoping I can maintain without him. Eeek!

So what else have we been up to? 
Let's just take a look....

Lots of thumb sucking

Sitting up and laughing about it.

Refusing to go to sleep.

Laughing at mom's list of how many times he woke up the night before.

Hanging with cousin George while stealing his toys.

Family time at the top of the mountain.  PJ isn't impressed.

Actually having fun with tummy time.

PJ got baptized with his cousin.  Even though he screamed his head off the whole time, it was a beautiful day shared with family and friends.  Such a great memory to share with his bestie George.

The amazing Nounas (Godparents).

And last but definitely not least.....

The baby has been napping for over 2 hours!!!!! The only way I was able to complete this post.
I love you PJ.  You just made my day.

Jan 13, 2014

Baby Pearson

I'm back from my (blogging) maternity leave! 
I've been a bit busy the past few months...

On October 10th, 2013 at 7:09am I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. 
His name is Pearson Joe Moreno and he is pretty much perfect.  

My husband pushed for the name Pearson and I'm glad I finally caved in.  
It is my maiden name and I was having trouble envisioning it as a first name (and was afraid people might think it was a narcissistic move).  But the more and more I thought about it the more I loved it. Not only does it have meaning and significance but it allows the name to be carried on when the male lineage has come to an end.  My grandpa seemed pretty excited about the idea too.  Lately we've been calling him PJ for short but he may evolve into a Pierce or Pearson - whatever the lil guy wants!

PJ's introduction into the world was a bit rocky. 
I suspected my water was slowly leaking but didn't want to be a hypochondriac so I just waited it out. I thought it should be more of a grand event like something you see in the movies. Water gush, huffing and puffing, race to the hospital....None of that happened.  After two days of suspicion I decided to give the Doc a call and they said to come in to the hospital (and to bring my things just in case).  My husband and I were convinced this was a trial run and imagined coming back home in an hour. As you can guess, we were totally wrong!  They confirmed that my water had indeed broke and immediately admitted me.  The fact that it had been so long since the leak meant there was a risk of infection and it become a little more of a high risk delivery.  I was basically pumped full of antibiotics for 3 days (before and after delivery).  As if I didn't look swollen enough! The 18 hour labor process wasn't without its hiccups.  PJ's heart rate dropped three times (imagine four nurses rushing in and whispering in a corner while the monitor is beeping - scariest moment of my life!) and a lot of talk about a C-section.  Luckily we didn't have to go into surgery as the lil guy made his appearance just in time!!  

The recovery was a little rough as well.  Not only was my body adjusting from the labor but my hormones were all over the place and I turned into an emotional mess.  But with it all we were blessed with a healthy baby boy and for that I can't complain and would do it all over again in a heartbeat!

Although I think my baby is the most perfect thing on earth it doesn't mean he hasn't been a bit of a challenge. He can go from being super happy to inconsolably crying in a matter of moments.  He is constantly testing our patience and ability to keep our eyes open.  
I have never been so exhausted in my life! 
Everyone tells you it's tough but you never truly know until you bring that baby home. They also tell you it's all worth it and that couldn't be more true!  

I have officially found my true love (sorry Paul).  

Since he is my first child and there is always an iPhone at arms reach I have taken soooo many photos.  I am constantly apologizing for the insane amount of instagrams but I can't help myself!! The photos are really for me so people better just deal with it (or unfollow me).  

This video is a small peak at the cuteness I deal with on a daily basis.

Sep 23, 2013

Home Tour: Part 1

Our new home is finally starting to come together!  

In actuality, we've only been here for about two months which isn't a long time when you think about pulling a space together.  But with baby M only three weeks away I had to race to get things organized!  I couldn't bring a baby home knowing that I had a laundry list of things to do.  It just would have added to my stress level.  Luckily my husband is the same way.  So the two of us have been spending every free moment getting things straight.

Here's a peek at what we've accomplished so far.  

Note: we are on a tight budget and short timeline - things are bound to evolve and develop as we live in the space...

More on the details of each space to come!

Aug 29, 2013

Eye Candy - Life in SB

I can't believe it's almost been a month since we've relocated to Santa Barbara!

I've been meaning to do an update post but in the midst of getting settled and unpacked, my computer has decided to take a turn for the worse. Cause that's all we need right now - to spend $ on a new computer! 

So instead of walking you through the new space and design updates...here are some photos of my beautiful hometown from the lens if my iPhone (cause I can't download my camera pics!!)

View from the top of the courthouse.

Looking out to sea from the top of the stadium at SBCC. Not too shabby.

Saw the following on my neighborhood walk....

It doesn't get much better than this.