Jan 13, 2014

Baby Pearson

I'm back from my (blogging) maternity leave! 
I've been a bit busy the past few months...

On October 10th, 2013 at 7:09am I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. 
His name is Pearson Joe Moreno and he is pretty much perfect.  

My husband pushed for the name Pearson and I'm glad I finally caved in.  
It is my maiden name and I was having trouble envisioning it as a first name (and was afraid people might think it was a narcissistic move).  But the more and more I thought about it the more I loved it. Not only does it have meaning and significance but it allows the name to be carried on when the male lineage has come to an end.  My grandpa seemed pretty excited about the idea too.  Lately we've been calling him PJ for short but he may evolve into a Pierce or Pearson - whatever the lil guy wants!

PJ's introduction into the world was a bit rocky. 
I suspected my water was slowly leaking but didn't want to be a hypochondriac so I just waited it out. I thought it should be more of a grand event like something you see in the movies. Water gush, huffing and puffing, race to the hospital....None of that happened.  After two days of suspicion I decided to give the Doc a call and they said to come in to the hospital (and to bring my things just in case).  My husband and I were convinced this was a trial run and imagined coming back home in an hour. As you can guess, we were totally wrong!  They confirmed that my water had indeed broke and immediately admitted me.  The fact that it had been so long since the leak meant there was a risk of infection and it become a little more of a high risk delivery.  I was basically pumped full of antibiotics for 3 days (before and after delivery).  As if I didn't look swollen enough! The 18 hour labor process wasn't without its hiccups.  PJ's heart rate dropped three times (imagine four nurses rushing in and whispering in a corner while the monitor is beeping - scariest moment of my life!) and a lot of talk about a C-section.  Luckily we didn't have to go into surgery as the lil guy made his appearance just in time!!  

The recovery was a little rough as well.  Not only was my body adjusting from the labor but my hormones were all over the place and I turned into an emotional mess.  But with it all we were blessed with a healthy baby boy and for that I can't complain and would do it all over again in a heartbeat!

Although I think my baby is the most perfect thing on earth it doesn't mean he hasn't been a bit of a challenge. He can go from being super happy to inconsolably crying in a matter of moments.  He is constantly testing our patience and ability to keep our eyes open.  
I have never been so exhausted in my life! 
Everyone tells you it's tough but you never truly know until you bring that baby home. They also tell you it's all worth it and that couldn't be more true!  

I have officially found my true love (sorry Paul).  

Since he is my first child and there is always an iPhone at arms reach I have taken soooo many photos.  I am constantly apologizing for the insane amount of instagrams but I can't help myself!! The photos are really for me so people better just deal with it (or unfollow me).  

This video is a small peak at the cuteness I deal with on a daily basis.

1 comment:

  1. precious! Congrats!!!! and hang in there momma. it gets loads easier.
